Background & Education
Montessori is a systematic approach to the education of children. It is much more than a method of childcare; it is a whole attitude of care and respect for young children.
Montessori children develop independence, responsibility, concentration, respect, patience and, most importantly, a love of learning.
What is Montessori Education?
Montessori is a systematic approach to the education of children. It is much more than a method of childcare; it is a whole attitude of care and respect for young children.
Montessori children develop independence, responsibility, concentration, respect, patience and, most importantly, a love of learning.
Tell Me More About The Montessori Approach To Education?
The Montessori approach to education has its central thought the development of the human potential. It is an approach based on "following the child", on recognising and responding to the developmental needs of the child. Thus the stages of development through a variety of ages are catered for. Children are able to choose tasks and move through all educational material at their own pace.
The Montessori school cannot be likened to any other because it employs a different methodology. The classroom is a "Living Room" for children; the environment is prepared to unify the psychosocial, physical and academic functioning of the child. It does, however, follow a strict curriculum and uses specific resources for the development of the whole child.
Montessori education is also considered to be an extension of the home, where parent and teacher work together in guiding the child in cognitive, social, physical, emotional and spiritual development. Montessori education does not simply educate children to accomplish specific tasks but rather educates them for life.
What Is My Role? And How Can I Be Involved With My Child's Education?
As a parent you are the most important influence in your child's life, no one loves and cares for your child as you do. Sydney Montessori School provides a natural extension of your home and a unique collaboration between parent, child and educator is achieved. The Montessori programme also offers parents creative principles and philosophy and a new understanding of their children that can be incorporated within the home environment
The parent of a Montessori student will have an opportunity to be involved in the programme.
Parents will learn about the programme by:
Familiarising themselves with the Montessori approach through reading publications on Montessori education and philosophy.
Attending orientation meetings which explain the programme.
Attending parent information evenings where the unique aspects of a particular classroom as well as the specifics of Montessori curriculum and child development are presented.
Attending class-level open houses where the children, as host/hostess to their parents and siblings, demonstrate their favourite activities or present completed work.
Observing the class in progress and discussing their observations with the Montessori professional; and
Receiving a regularly published newsletter, which includes a calendar of significant events, information on major developments at the school, book reviews and list of needs and requests for help
What is so different about Montessori ?
Montessori is child centred compared to traditional education, which is teacher centred. Children work with hands-on materials in mixed-age classes. The teacher is a guide who provides direction appropriate to each individual child.
Where are Montessori teachers trained ?
AMI pre-primary training has been available in Australia since 2000. Primary training training has been available in Australia since 2003, as well as many other countries such as United States, Ireland, and Italy.
A degree or equivalent is needed for enrolment.
Are there minimal attendance requirements ?
We offer a programme which best supports the child. The benefits are increased concentration and consistency from the routine of five mornings a week. Remember that the environment is prepared for the young child. Montessori theory never expects the young child to sit. Children are supported as their nature directs them to move and work purposefully.
The environment is stimulating and allows the child to follow natural urges. The half-day also supports the parent's active role with the child for the remainder of the day.
Is there more information on Montessori education ?
There is a wealth of information available about Montessori education and philosophy, both in textbooks and on-line.
This word cloud is a graphical representation of the frequency of words used in quotations from Dr. Maria Montessori's books. It vividly illustrates the focus of Dr Montessori's teachings and a Montessori based education.